I mentioned in my late post yesterday that I was all over the place yesterday for medical stuff. I’m sporting a nasty bruise in the crook of my elbow from my blood draw yesterday. Now I know why my arm wasn’t bleeding well for her yesterday, all the blood was pooling under my skin and not going into the tube!
I had zero desire to do anything afterward, my foot hurt from being twisted, pushed on and contorted for x-rays as well as all the walking. My arms and stomach were also sore from the events of the day. Needless to say, I took it easy yesterday and propped my foot up.
The Good
My x-ray was clean. No fractures and no spurs. So that’s good.
The other possible cause was determined to be gout. “I seriously don’t think I have gout,” I thought. All the lab tests ordered to see if I had any indicators came back completely normal. I don’t have gout.
The Bad
We still don’t know what’s wrong with my foot. Apparently I’m allowed to keep going as I have been. I should continue to ice and such (all the good RICE things). It’s very annoying.
On the upside, resting, icing, compressing and elevating my foot yesterday, along with the anti-inflammatory I was prescribed seems to be helping.
The Stable
While I was donating half my blood volume to the lab yesterday, they did my tests for my endo appointment next week.
I’m happy to say that the computer doesn’t have a clue that I have diabetes! It just flagged me as “at risk” for developing diabetes with a glucose value of 124 and an a1c of 6.1%. That means that my a1c has been in a good, stable range for two and a half years and hasn’t budged in the past 9 months.
I have different goals for my diabetes care than the standard medical ones, but I am extremely proud of the stability that I’ve achieved. Filling in for my bum pancreas is hard work. Really hard work. It’s 24/7 and doesn’t take or give a vacation, so sticking in my current range for so long is an accomplishment that I’m proud of.
There is other good news, regarding something that I’ve been dealing with quietly. My kidneys. All of numbers that had been a cause for concern a year ago had normalized, which means I need to keep doing what I’m doing.
I’ll take more good news than bad news any day of the week!
Which do you like to get first? The good news or the bad news?