Sometimes I miss college
I’m not the type of person to dwell on the past and I’m very happy with where I am in life… But sometimes I do miss college.

I miss:
- Being able to nap between classes
- Walking across campus on a beautiful day
Nice days made walking to class fun - The feeling accompanied by an email about class being canceled
- Being the nicest dressed person in class (while wearing jeans and a t-shirt)
- Having random holidays off
- Having another lady in the same apartment to help with tough wardrobe decisions

I miss a few more things, but when I get too nostalgic, I remind myself what I don’t miss about college.
I don’t miss:
- Roommates and neighbors who only know how to slam doors
- The giant spiders that liked our apartment senior year
- Working evenings and early mornings on weekends
- Tiny refrigerators

- Underclassmen stalkers in the library
- Walking across campus in rain or two feet of snow

- Working my butt off and paying a fortune to do so
- Planning a wedding, interning and studying at the same time time

Graduation was a good day.

What are your best or worst college memories?
haha I was just thinking about this the other day….
Best parts of college:
Being able to skip class if you wanted- not that I’d EVER do so….
Dining hall- delicious and convenient
Summer, winter and spring breaks
Being able to get up 15 minutes before class started and still be there on time
Late night snack
Worst parts
Loud neighbors
Loans, with little time to work
Frustrating issues with housemates
Finals week (actually might still be awesome, because you didn’t even have to go to class)
Mount Union’s inability to clear the sidewalks (or build a building that wouldn’t kill you with falling snow *cough* field house *cough cough*)
Oh yes, I forgot about the closed sidewalks due to snow falling off the roof!