In an attempt to better organize my blog and my life… I’ve categorized my July reads!
Personal Growth
10 Ways to Be a Better Person. Unfortunately this list is not intuitive for a lot of people. #5 on the list (go to funerals) really isn’t fun, but it means so much. People who came to my dad’s funeral for me and not themselves were truly wonderful and showed how much they cared about me.
10 Things Every 20-Something Kitchen Needs. I can’t say that every 20-something’s kitchen needs everything on the list, but if you’re putting together a kitchen for the first time on you own, it’s got some good recommendations. Also a good place to start looking for housewarming gift ideas. I also recommend a meat thermometer. It was the best $5ish we ever spent and might keep you from giving yourself food poisoning.
Seek a Mentor, Be a Mentor. I agree completely.
13 Things Successful Millennials Do in Their Spare Time. Even if you aren’t a millennial, making good use of your spare time is a good idea.
In other news, I got pretty upset last week when I read an article about ways to “keep the Millennials you worked so hard to hire” and the author referred to professionals in my generation as “kids.” Really? Really?! Are you seriously going to talk about a generation in the workforce and call them kids? If they we are old enough to work for/with you, we are not kids and calling Millennial employees “kids” is a surefire way to open the door for them to leave.
Science & Nature
Super Moon Photos. After checking out these cool Super Moon photos, I feel inadequate about mine from the last appearance!
Coffee Drinkers May Live Longer (!) This is great news and a good excuse to continue enjoying a nice warm cup of coffee each morning… if an excuse were to actually be necessary.
Gender Issues
I don’t think I want to be a mother and that should be acceptable. The girl who wrote this put it very well, the topic of motherhood can be so touchy and young women who choose not to be mothers are judged so harshly or aren’t taken seriously and told that they’ll change their minds. I love this:
“Yes, maybe I will change my mind. […] I have no doubt I would love a child if I had one. But for someone to simply tell me what will happen, that I will definitely change my mind because women give birth and that is just how it always has been and always will be… that doesn’t sit well.”
Keep in mind that the occupancy or potential occupancy of a woman’s uterus is not yours to comment on.
Right Here on ProbablyRachel
In case you missed some of my fun this month, here are a few of my favorite posts…
- Managing Diabetes at Work
- A Weekend Wrap Up and New Shades
- Type 1 Diabetes: Not Just for Kids
- A Scraptastic Headband
- External Organs
- Isn’t That How Marriage Works?
Read anything good this month?
If coffee drinkers really live longer, I’m going to make it to like 600 years old!