10 Things Tuesday: Spread the Awesome

A lot of people view a new year as a new start, but as I mentioned in my last post I’m planning to keep going with my self-improvement plans. I don’t want to start over every year. However, the New Year is a good time to measure your progress toward your goals and potentially set new ones. One thing that I’m consistently trying to do is be more positive.

A positive attitude doesn’t mean ignoring bad things that happen or failure. To me, being positive means that I learn from those things and grow because of them. Being positive can sometimes be hard, but if you’re around a positive person, do you notice that it makes you want to be positive too?

That’s one of the reasons I love taking part in the 10 Awesome Things Link Up, because it’s a great way to be positive.

It’s pretty cold and snowy here right now, so let’s talk about some of the awesome things about January and winter in general:

1. Returning to a normal routine after an erratic holiday schedule

2. My new satellite radio subscription (a Christmas present from Brad)

3. Seat heaters

4. Displaying vintage pins on my coat

5.  Cozy sweaters and scarves

6. Hot tea in the evening made in my new tea maker (another Christmas present from Brad)

7. Hearing that people are using/enjoying their Christmas presents from you

8. Kitty burritos 

9. Having the ability to work from home when the weather is too bad

10. Making plans and setting goals for the upcoming year



What are some of your favorite things to do during the winter? What’s awesome about this time of year for you?


Love the Here and Now The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup

11 thoughts on “10 Things Tuesday: Spread the Awesome

  1. No. 9 is a great one! I had to use that many times last year. Not so far this winter but who knows what’s to come. And thanks for sharing your kitty burrito – so cute!

  2. Great list. I honestly love the winter. Snuggling up with my husband. Random snow days where I get to play board games with my family and watch them play in the snow. It’s beautiful. 🙂

  3. Your awesome things list made me smile due to it’s awesomeness. Oh how I wish I had heated seats. I do love snuggling under my cupcake blankie this time of year. And also that the cold makes my cat extra cuddly – climbing into my lap even more than usual and sleeping snuggled up to me at night.

  4. Thanks for joining me! I am with you on hot tea….a favorite of mine! I’m also a huge fan of returning to normal after a disruption in my schedule. I had two weeks off which I loved but I missed the routine. Clearly I’m a creature of habit! Happy New Year!!

  5. Seat heaters…yes, yes. yes! They have cooling seats now too. Funny!
    Cat burritos are nice, but when it’s cold, I prefer human burritos…ideally in a sleeping bag built for two. Stay warm. They’re predicting wind chills of -30 around here on Thursday. BRRR!

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