Our attachment to places
Continuing my unintentional, yet enjoyable, series of “things we love” I’ve noticed that many people have a favorite place and they tend to gravitate towards it whenever they can.
The rest of this post will sound like I’m talking about vacation spots, but it applies to other places.

Because most in my generation went to Disney World and/or grew up watching Disney classics, there’s an overwhelming number of millennials who are attached to “the happiest place on earth.” And why not? It’s a cool, but expensive, place to go. It’s also tiring at times because you want to see/do everything that you can in one day and in most cases, there are a bunch of children enjoying or not enjoying their time in the Magic Kingdom, which greatly impacts my levels of enjoyment.
But then there are the places that are just plain beautiful, relaxing, enjoyable whatever you want to say, that you can’t wait to visit because you can just enjoy them without running around or being subjected to a whole bunch of crazy.
Hocking Hills, Ohio
Mt. Rainier, Washignton
Any beach in the Caribbean
You have your place… you love your place. It’s a serious emotional attachment, whether it’s good memories, an enjoyable atmosphere, the right climate (or altitude), or some other reason there are special places for each of us.
Can’t think of one? How about your hometown, elementary school, college campus, the house you grew up in?
I think I have a list of special places, each for a different reason.
(Blogger’s note: all pictures in this post are from my husband’s and my photo collection)
HAHAHA, I love this line: “…there are a bunch of children enjoying or not enjoying their time in the Magic Kingdom, which greatly impacts my levels of enjoyment.”
At least once every trip I loudly exclaim “WHY are those so many children here?” It still counts as my happiest place on earth!
I firmly believe that there should be an age limit…