Another Little Victory

It’s an OmniPod…. on my arm!

This may not seem like a big deal, but shortly after starting on OmniPod, I tried an arm site. It didn’t really hurt and I thought all was well until I checked my blood sugar and it was nearly 200, a significant jump from my after dinner spike. So I took a correction. I can safely say that it was the most painful OmniPod experience I’d ever had. The bolus hurt like crazy and I decided that the site needed to come out.

I hadn’t tried since, then last night after having gotten some encouragement from other OmniPodders, I gave it another shot ( < unintentional pun).

Have a good weekend!


7 thoughts on “Another Little Victory

  1. Pingback: Feeling Stabby « probablyrachel

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  3. Pingback: Arm Sites and Car Dealerships « probablyrachel

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  5. Pingback: Diagnosed as an Adult: An Interview with Mom | ProbablyRachel

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