The Best of ProbablyRachel in 2013

As this year wraps up, I’d like to share with you some of my top moments and posts.

2013 was a big year for me blog-wise.

  1. First, I transferred to self-hosting to be able to steer my blog better, I also own my domain now. I still use (and love!) WordPress. In the process, I only broke my blog once. It was for about 30 minutes and that was two weeks ago.
  2. I joined the Refashion Co-Op to share my projects with other upcycling seamstresses. It didn’t seem like a huge commitment when I joined, just one contribution per month and I’ve made some great friends. Now I find myself wishing that I had more time with my sewing machine and Sally.

  3. ProbablyRachel got a Facebook page. It’s about freaking time! I wasn’t sure if anyone would want to like it since in my head most of you live on Twitter. But I found a pretty good audience on Facebook and I can put out more of those random things that aren’t really blog-worthy but I still want to have conversations on.
  4. Most notably, I went viral. It was a cool experience and I learned a lot from it. Only a few people yelled at me for my opinions (in a year-old blog post), overall everyone was pretty cordial.

Without further rambling, here are my top 10 blogs from 2013:

  1. Please Take Off Your Shoes (top in 2013, but written in 2012)
  2. Men’s Shirt to Little Black Dress
  3. What I needed was a pocket
  4. Tea Party Dress Refashion
  5. Purple Patterns Refashion
  6. Wediquette
  7. Just a Trim Dress
  8. How to Throw a Little Black Dress Party
  9. Mary’s Story
  10. Stay LEVEL

Just for fun, here are 6 popular pins from ProbablyRachel in 2013:

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