Our First Christmas
This Christmas will be so different than any other Christmas I’ve had for many reasons, the main one being that it’s my first Christmas as Mrs. K!
I’ve always loved putting up the Christmas tree and remember as I was growing up the certain ornaments that were really special. My family did the traditional “Baby’s First Christmas” ornaments and we each had a special ornament, my mom and dad had a special ornament also for their first Christmas together.

As a new wife, I wanted us to have a special ornament for our first Christmas together. Did you know that there are a lot of cheesy first Christmas ornaments?
I commenced a search for the perfect ornament, informing any sales people who tried to help me select one that I am extremely picky.
There were qualities that I wanted in an ornament: classy, have the date on it, if it had people they have to look at least a little like us, not a picture frame.
I finally found one that I liked enough to show Brad (I was not going to make him look at every first Christmas ornament on Earth with me). He liked it, we bought it.
The woman who rang us out at the store asked if it was our first Christmas together. We told her it was and that we’d been married for almost six months. I could tell that she loved being a part of our experience, she was so sweet and told us that she remembers her first Christmas as a married couple 24 years ago. It made my day.
In my search for the ornament I discovered that there are ornaments for every life event, from each age, getting a driver’s license, being engaged, getting a puppy or kitten and moving into a new home just to name a few things. It’s a neat way to chronicle the events in your life and remember them each year as you decorate your tree.
What is (are) the most special ornament(s) on your tree this year?
My problem will be packing our ornament away at the end of the holiday season.
My brother and I both have tons of ornaments! Every year I get a Crayola one and the holiday Barbie (Yes, both, even though I’m 22 now! Haha) and I love reminiscing about each one. The ones with sound or motion are so fun to pull out of their little boxes. I absolutely love getting my plastic tote of ornaments and going through them, remembering the Christmases and such. I also have a ton of homemade ones from when I was Girl Scout that look awful to me now, but are fun to look at still 🙂 I’m excited for Derek and I to have our own tree someday and our own ornaments to put on it together. I love the whole holiday atmosphere, but especially everything that involves family.
Our family goes out and gets a special ornament every year. We each get one that reflects the year we have had or reminds us of something we love. We started this tradition when Laura was born. We have our first ornament when we found out we were pregnant with her…first baby ornaments for both my children. We have accumulated some special ornaments. One of my favorite ornaments on my tree is a half moon that has a painted face on it…it was an ornament that Larry’s Mom picked out for me one Christmas. She passed away about 7 years ago and I cherish that ornament and pack it with tender care every year. Truly every ornament on our tree is special and this year will be no different. We will trek out and each of us will find that special one.
Happy Holidays,