Friday Five: Mom Edition
I’d like to wish a happy Mother’s Day weekend to my mom, my other moms and all moms!
1. Happy Mother’s Day to my mom! She’s an amazing woman, smart, funny, strong, courageous…. and the list really does go on. When I was a kid, I though she was the most beautiful woman in the world and I still do!
2. Happy Mother’s Day to my mother-in-law! She is a kind woman who raised two great men, and I’m proud to call one of them my husband and partner in life. Her determination and warm, welcoming attitude toward all are inspiring.
3. Happy Mother’s Day to my grandmothers! My grandma H is the sweetest woman, she’s brutally honest in the way that just makes you love her more and I don’t think she’s ever met a child or animal she didn’t love. I married into a couple of wonderful grandmothers as well. Brad grandmother didn’t know what it meant to me when she sang “Happy Birthday” to my voice mail this year, but it was the first year that my grandma Jo wasn’t here to sing it.

4. Happy Mother’s Day to my aunts! Last night Brad asked who I was messaging and I said, “my aunt.” His response was, “You know you have a lot of aunts, right?” My aunts are all marvelous ladies and I love them. I have to wish an extra special Mother’s Day to my Aunt P who treated me as her own, has been a source of stability and who reignited my love for reading when I was in college.

5. Happy Mother’s Day to my sisters! My sister and my sister-in-law have brought beautiful children into the world and are both growing little human beings who I already love. I love both of these ladies very much and loved watching them grow into moms.

Happy Mother’s Day!
(Weddings and graduations produce the nicest photos…)
aw this is so sweet!