I was reading this blog post. It’s about social media and has some great tips.
One in particular made me think. “You only exist if Google says you do.” I googled myself today. Surprisingly most of the first page is actually me, but not all of it. As cool as it would be to own a business, I don’t own A Closet of Her Own. And I’ve never been on a PTA council. That was googling “Rachel Engelhardt” so I tried “Rachel L. Engelhardt.” Fewer on the first page were me. I’m considering dropping that initial.
Likewise I did a Facebook search, I found five other “mes.” Likewise there were three of us Rachel Engelhardts on LinkedIn.
I’m applying for jobs and knowing that my potential employers are looking me up on Google and social media, I want them to find me not someone else.
Along the same lines, I’ll have a new last name in six months so how do I make sure that my work under my maiden name is found along with my work under my married name?
Hi Rachel,
First off, thanks for leaving a comment on my recent post and a trackback! Secondly, and more importantly, let me share with you my feedback with regards to your question.
The short answer is “stick to one name” – changing your name won’t help your personal brand. If your have a somewhat common name, try to make it less so by using a nickname, a middle initial, or another identifiable mark. It is very important that you use the same name consistently in all your communications, both online (twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blog, etc.) and offline (on your business card, resume, etc.). Also, register your name as a domain name and make sure you reserve your name on all other social network sites, even if you don’t intend to use them in the very near future (but this would certainly avoid the hassle of not finding your handle once you decide to do so).
When you use it for your own professional blog or website and people search for your name, it will very likely appear in the top search results. This will help ensure that you paint the right picture before any confusing or disastrous content is seen.
It is very important to define what you want people to find when they Google your name – so make sure you build volume by adding relevant content.
I read that you have three different blogs, and the about me section of this blog is not even complete … I should be able to identify as a reader that it is the same Rachel that writes on bridalbuds.com, rachelengelhardt.wordpress.com, and this one right here. You should create a home for your brand Rachel – a hub for all your activities! Don’t spread yourself thin – you are a multi-talented individual with a lot to share, it’s all part of your brand – you don’t need to compromise, just manage better 🙂
Hope this helps!