Things with our house are moving along very quickly now!
Brad met with the Guardian folks two Fridays ago to address our home high-tech home selections and mark in the house where things needed to be installed. They came in and did all the wiring on Monday. On Monday night we walked through the house and Brad discovered that they had run cat5 cable rather than the cat6 cable we paid extra for. Brad called them on it and on Tuesday they ran the right wires.
On Wednesday, we had out pre-drywall meeting, where we walked through the house and went over everything we selected again, except in the house.
On Sunday, my mom and her husband came to see our house. We were able to show them a sided, framed house. Our plumbing is in, our electrical is run, our HVAC is installed, our gas lines are in, our utilities are in, our sub floor is screwed down, the whole place is insulated and there are sheets of drywall waiting to be hung.
We were given the plan for the next steps including finishing drywall by a week from tomorrow, placing trim and the first coat of paint that Thursday. Then they start flooring in our first floor.
Here’s the biggest news, we get our keys on Friday, September 25th!
We’re already lining up things for moving on Saturday, September 26th. This keeps us from having to pay for another month in the shoe box.
I cannot believe that in one month we will have our brand new home!