Looking Back: Halloween

I seriously wonder if people think I tried to “dress up” for Halloween today… If anyone asks, my answer will be, “Yeah, I’m my mom when she was 17… with coffee on her pants.”

For real though, I’m wearing my mom’s shirt today. She wore this when she was in high school and I’ve had it in my closet for awhile. Today seemed like a good day to wear it because it has all of the fall colors I love.

Anyway, I’m still doing some clean up on her from transferring to self-hosting months ago so I’m reliving some fun blog posts, like these two about Halloween-ish topics. But first, enter to win some great treats from NatureBox.


Halloween is approaching… quickly. And I don’t really care.

I like fall and I like October, but I can pass on Halloween. For some people, it’s a favorite holiday. For me, it’s a day. In fact, I have never dressed up for Halloween.

Go ahead and gasp because I’ve also never been trick-or-treating.

Read the rest of this post here.

Fall Weekend: Pumpkins, Recipes, Vampires

Saturday evening called for pumpkin carving. Something that I had NEVER done before! When we were kids we got to paint pumpkins and now that I’ve carved one, I can see why my parents didn’t carve pumpkins with us. They would have done most of the work! I did completely clean and carve my own pumpkin. My friend had templates, but I don’t think I was quite ready for anything complicated, so I drew a K on my pumpkin and carved away.

Read the rest of this post here.

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