(Kind of) Wordless Wednesday: Aunthood
Have I mentioned before that I love being an aunt? Well, I love being an aunt.
My niece just recently turned two. It’s incredible to get to see her grow up and to see my brother grow into a parent. He talks like a dad. This weekend, my husband and my brother were talking about something and my brother was extolling the safety features of a product and how they keep children safe.
I’m not used to hearing complete sentences from my niece yet, so when she carried a square plastic block that had colored gel inside of it and very succinctly asked, “What is this? Is it a rock?” Not only was I amazed by the complexity of her request, I fumbled for an accurate answer because I don’t know what those are called (I couldn’t even Google the proper combination of words to find you all a picture!). I’ve only really exercised my aunthood with this niece, D. I held her when she wasn’t even 24 hours old. Before that, I oohed and aahed over her ultrasound pictures, but confessed that I believed my brother and sister-in-law would be having a turtle. I have actually gifted D with two toy turtles, there may be more in her future.

Some perks of being an aunt include
D was born while Brad and I were engaged, so we started calling him “Uncle Brad” right from the beginning and she was a whole year old when we got married, exclaiming “MummMummm!” when she saw her mommy, one of my bridal attendants, walk down the aisle.

We’re pretty excited to welcome our first nephew next month!
In other news, change your LinkedIn password. Here’s why.
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