Denim Skirt Refashion

Anyone miss my refashions?

I have to confess that I have three four refashion projects that I started and then ran out of steam on. It goes in waves for me and when the holidays got busy my projects got set aside. However, the good news is, those projects have all of my pins tied up, which means if I want to sew something, I’ll have to finish one of them!

Anyway, a couple of months back I did one of the most basic refashions possible: I hemmed a skirt.

Remember when long denim skirts were kind of popular? I dug one of them out of a bunch of my old things that are waiting for new life. Since I wasn’t planning to blog about hemming a skirt, I didn’t bother taking a before picture.

Don’t worry, I already kicked myself.

Anyway, it took about 10 minutes.

  • Using a skirt with my desired length, I marked where to cut.
  • Chopped the skirt off
  • Folded the edge and ran it through the machine twice for a flat, almost-invisible hem

Add a sweater, a scarf, tights and a pair of boots and you have a comfy winter outfit.

I don’t like to get a new piece of clothing just because it’s “on-trend,” when maxi dresses and skirts became popular a couple of years ago I was apprehensive. But then I thought, if maxis go away, at least I can shorten them!

Do you wear denim skirts? How do you style them?

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