I’ve been frustrated this week. I’ve been busy for the past few weeks. I’ve been just a little bit overwhelmed. But I’m thankful. Not for the frustrations, business or overwhelming things. I didn’t partake in the daily thankful posts on Thanksgiving because I didn’t want to commit to the idea of posting daily. But I’ve been enjoying reading my friends’ daily posts (although I think some of you are stretching it a bit…). It’s wonderful to see so much positive stuff sprinkled through my newsfeed. I wonder why it takes until the month of Thanksgiving for people to count their blessings? Taking a few moments to be thankful though is a great attitude adjuster and mood lifter. I often turn to thankfulness as a way to feel better in many situations. I’m in a pretty good mood today, but today’s post is about thankfulness. I’m thankful for:
- My loving husband who reaches the things that I can’t, kills bugs, takes out the trash, installs appliances and supports me in everything I do.
- My sturdy, comfortable and warm home. I feel settled here, which is a big deal for someone who moved around a lot while growing up.
- Family. Biological, married into and adopted in some way. Family can stir up drama at times, but at the end of the day they’re your people and it’s nice to have people.
- My health. I may live with a chronic illness, but I’m thankful for the world-class team of doctors, nurses and CDEs who answer my questions and help me make the best decisions. I have access to the tools I need to manage what my body can’t anymore and I have access to technology that makes that jobs a bit easier.
- My our jobs. Our employers offer amazing flexibility and benefits beyond what’s listed in our compensation packages.
- Good timing.
- Great friends.
- Wonderful readers.
What are you Thankful for?
Great list Rachel. It’s true, it does take the holidays to wake people up and speak/feel regarding thanks.