10 Awesome Things Tuesday

Anne over at Love the Here and Now started a great link up about sharing things we think are awesome.
I feel like that needs no additional explanation… So here’s my list:
1. Saturday morning snuggles



2. Picking the perfect wine to accompany a meal

3. Nice blog comments from nice people

4. Having something to look forward to

5. The perfect cup of coffee

6. Blood glucose readings of 100 mg/dL

7. Clothing on the clearance rack in my size

8. This view:



9. Being randomly TSA PreChecked
10. Orchids
What’s awesome for you today?


Love the Here and Now The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup

10 thoughts on “10 Awesome Things Tuesday

  1. Thanks so much for joint me today! Loved having you! I too love finding clearance clothes in my size…never seems to happen though (doesn’t stop me from looking!). Saturday snuggles are the best…great way to start the weekend!

  2. What a pretty picture! I never find clearance clothes in my size, sadly, although I may not scrutinize the racks as much as I probably could to double check…if I did find something, that would be pretty awesome! 🙂

  3. That view is gorgeous! And I’m right there with you on the perfect cup of coffee!! Which reminds me…I’m out of creamer for my early morning tomorrow. ughh

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