The Power of Weather

I did much more complaining about the weather these past few days than I should.


Tuesday it stormed like mad in the evening. While it was storming, there were people who were still going without power from a previous outage. So when our power went out on Tuesday evening, I had no room to complain… Okay, maybe I had a little room to complain because I was in the bathroom when the power went out and it was dark, dark, dark.

By the light of my Dexcom, I made my way to the other room to find my husband. He silenced our screeching battery back up system and plugged in a lamp. We had light, we had each other, we would have had board games but those were all pack up (a story for another day). A quick text message to friends to see if they had power turned up a place for us to sleep if the power was still out at bed time. An hour or so later, our power was on. Others were still on days without power.

Yesterday was hot and my blood sugars were crazy. But my medication was safe and cool in the fridge. My back up insulin was safe in a lunchbox with an ice pack. I sweated, I hydrated, I lived just fine yesterday. This morning it stormed and I think we needed it.

There are offices without power, there are people opening their homes to coworkers so that business can still happen. There are offices with power offering extra desks and functioning internet connections to business who don’t have power back on.

I will not complain about the weather today. I will not complain about frizzy hair.

I also admire the kindness I see put into practice when the weather goes a little crazy.

2 thoughts on “The Power of Weather

  • July 25, 2012 at 2:00 am

    I always want to have a good sunny weather but these days, the weather tends to be rainy and stormy. I just hope that the sun goes out again.`”.;`


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