October Best ‘Betes Blog Awards

I’m super excited to share the October Best of ‘Betes Blog Awards with you today! Reading all of the nominated posts made picking a little bit tough because all of the d-bloggers out there are amazing.

Without further ado, here are some of the best posts from around the diabetes community:

Best Use of Humor

Hannah shared some Trick-or-Treat fun with her Halloween Knight. Reading about Sir Nov o’Log’s adventure brought a smile to my face and I bet a few others! How many DOCers dress up their d-gear?

Best Vlog 

Kerri talks about the entire community of the People in the Computer. Real life friends that we connect with online!

Best Recipe

Pizza is tough for more of us with diabetes, Shannon shares a blood sugar friendly pizza recipe which looks amazing!

Best Use of Photography

Katie’s post InstaDiabetes is a great remind to all of us to keep track of our health, even when we are’t prepping for an endo appointment. I’m going to go take a picture of my PDM settings now.

Best Advocacy

Stephen’s post, The People We Look Up To, is a truly excellent piece of advocacy as well as inspiration.

Best Reference to a D-Celebrity

Shannon shares the story of her son identifying diabetes in her post ‘Betes Makes the Toons. I’m not very tuned in to cartoons so it’s really cool to me that kids are being introduced to characters who have diabetes.

Best Story of a D Meet-up

Jessica tells the story of her very first diabetes meet up with Connected In Motion.

Best non-D Related Post

Melissa’s post about her daughter’s diagnosis has really stuck with me. I come from a family that deals with a myriad of autoimmune diseases, although I’m the one with type 1 diabetes and my mom’s the one with celiac.

Best Post by a Type 1

After reading Kelley’s post, I have to salute the people with diabetes who are parents, their children are in great care however because they are vigilant.

Best Post by a LADA/ Type 1.5/ Not otherwise specified

No posts nominated in this category 🙁

Best Post by a Type 2

Kate’s open letter to Tom Hanks is an excellent reminder that diabetes is serious, no matter what type and that controlling it takes hard work. It encourages me to think about the way that I assure people I’m okay.

Best Post by a Type Awesome

Parents of children with diabetes are simply amazing and totally deserve the label of type awesome. Tamara looks at four years of diabetes with her daughter and gives perspective.

Best story of a D-mistake

Bram’s story of the Grouse Grind illustrates the impact that a different routine can have on our blood sugar levels… as well as the physical challenge of that intense hike.

Best Motivational Post

Christel’s post, Daily Diabetes Mantra, is the type of post that needs to be bookmarked and returned to every time diabetes gets to you.

Best Diabetes Art

PUMPkins and sPODers have me wanting to break out some paint and old pods even though Halloween has passed.

Best Comments shout outs go to:






Thanks to everyone who nominated and congratulations to everyone who was nominated! (In no particular order because I have a short attention span for organizing links.)










If you would like to include the Best ‘Betes Blogs button on your site, you can use the following script:

Replace all [ ] with < >. [div align=”center”][a href=”http://www.bestofthebetesblogs.com” target=”_blank”][img src=”http://momentsofwonderful.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/bbblogo-final-e1309479808835.png”][/a][/div]

I hope you enjoy reading all of these awesome bloggers! One more plug if you haven’t entered yet… My Nature Box giveaway ends at midnight!

You can start nominating for November right away!

6 thoughts on “October Best ‘Betes Blog Awards

  1. Thanks to whoever nominated my post. But I must admit: I always look forward to this time of month so I can read ALL of these fantastic winners! They are all great. Thanks!

  2. Crap…. I realized last night that I forgot to submit my nominations in time (which I’d been compiling all month)! Looks like you’ve got a great selection of winners, so all is good. Congratulations to all!

    • I’m trying to nominate as soon as I read a post since nominations are now open all month long. There are so many great d-bloggers out there I was thrilled to be introduced to some new ones!

  3. Great choices! I know I am the one who sends over the list, but I am always interested in who the hosts picks and what sticks out to them (what they write) about each chosen post. Thanks again for hosting!

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