How did you plan your wedding without Pinterest?
One of my best friends is getting married this summer and over the weekend she asked me that question.
How did you plan your wedding without Pinterest?
Pinterest has been a powerful wedding and event planning tool for the last couple of years. My friend uses it to find inspiration, hunt for instructions, bookmark ideas and many other things. I started a group board for her bridesmaids and myself to plan for her bridal shower.
When I think back to starting our wedding plans in 2009 the way that I planned our wedding seems archaic. I got ideas from wedding magazines, bridal shows, physical stores, other weddings, blogs and great sites like the Knot and Wedding Wire. I tore out pages and kept them in a planning book. I kept spreadsheets. I stored pictures and ideas in documents on my computer. All of which resulted in the wedding that we wanted.

I actually thought at multiple points in the planning process, “How did people plan weddings before blogs?”
Weddings now have their own category on Pinterest, having been separated from “Weddings and Events” because anymore the first thing a girl does when she has an engagement ring on her finger gets a Pinterest account is create a wedding board. As an old a boring a married lady, clicking on the Wedding category on Pinterest is overwhelming. There’s just so. much. stuff. I used to lament that Pinterest didn’t exist when I was planning our wedding, but I’m kind of glad it didn’t. I would have been overwhelmed and changing my mind on a regular basis. It would have been hard to shake the feeling that my wedding could never be as amazing as the pins on Pinterest are.
I’m glad I did it in the way that’s becoming “old-fashioned.”
I am incredibly happy that Pinterest existed when we were buying our house and planning what to do with it. Our dining room is basically Pinterest plagarism. But it helped my husband imagine the room when he could see what the end result would look like.

What have you used Pinterest to plan?
Hi, loved your refash and decided to check out your blog. I just got engaged and Pinterest is SO overwhelming. It’s a great way to show my fiance things that I try (and fail) to explain, but I’m sure he would prefer if I didn’t get impressed and change my mind so frequently, so I would have less things to show him.
Ha I was thinking about this post the other day when a friend and I were talking about wedding planning. When I got engaged I hit Pinterest pretty hard for about a month. Then when I started to make decisions I barely looked at it because it felt so overwhelming once you had to actually make choices. I looked occasionally if I felt stuck on something (like how to decorate the cake), but I really just used it like I would have used a Google image search. I don’t think I even picked up a magazine though!