Happiness is a New Purse

Ok, not really but the new purse is nice.

Last month I ended up with several “must-have” items to carry in my already-full purse. Things that take up space like a glucose meter, insulin pen, alcohol wipes and glucose tablets. I told Brad, “I need a bigger purse!”

To my surprise he said that yes I do and that I should “invest” in a nice purse. One that I can enjoy carrying (is that possible?). So off to the outlets we went to find Rachel a new bag.

The man made the mistake of setting me and my good friend loose in the Coach Factory Store on Labor Day weekend… with sales!

I proudly reported that I got a new purse and a nifty little bag. Here’s the bag:


Henceforth known as the diabetes bag


Everything I need in one little classy bag

If I’m going to have to carry this stuff around for the rest of my life, it might as well have an attractive bag.

Could this be considered diabetes-induced shopping?



I’ve been asked to share a picture of my new purse. Here you go:

The purse

11 thoughts on “Happiness is a New Purse

  1. Pingback: Unregistered « probablyrachel

  2. Pingback: What’s in Rachel’s Purse? « probablyrachel

  3. Pingback: Diabetes is expensive! « probablyrachel

  4. Pingback: It Might As Well Look Good « probablyrachel

  5. I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and have been reading along. I was only diagnosed in September 2011 myself at 26.

    However, I have the SAME Coach bag for my supplies too! My mom bought it for me shortly after diagnosis, figured I might as well have diabetes in style!

  6. Pingback: Me and My Shadow « probablyrachel

  7. Pingback: What’s in Rachel’s Purse? | ProbablyRachel

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