Friday Five: Summer

Sorry about the only two posts this week situation… No excuses and no promises, just some thoughts on summer.

1. I’m incredibly happy that it’s grilling season. Last night we grilled all of our dinner. Pork chops, corn on the cob and peaches. It was wonderful!

Grill all the things!

2. We’ve been in wedding season for awhile and find ourselves wandering through Bed, Bath and Beyond with blue registries and trying to keep the gift receipts separate. It’s not just weddings though, there are bridal showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, other wedding-related festivities on top of the normal summer festivities. I told someone the other day that I miss summers as a kid when I actually had time to be bored!

3. Our “summer” stuff like vacation and Cedar Point are already over with, which is in some ways sad and in other ways good because we don’t have a single free weekend until fall!

4. The fact that it’s summer means that I have excellent excuses to wear skirts and dresses… which I love. If you’d asked me that a few years ago, I’d roll my eyes and say that I’m a pants person. What changed?

5. Sun. Sunshine. Sunglasses. Sunny days. The bright, warm days and a little vitamin D for this D-deficient girl are just wonderful. (I do seriously have a vitamin D deficiency and the test results to prove it.)

My niece might like summer more than I do!

Tell me about your summer!

  • What’s your favorite thing to grill?
  • Any big summer trips planned?
  • What’s the best thing about warmer days?


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