How did you get here?

Where did you come from?

I’m actually not being philosophical, I’m being slightly shallow. Chances are you dropped by this blog by way of Facebook? Which means you’re more likely to comment on its content on my Facebook.

Maybe you found me through Twitter or you’re on the cutting edge and found a post on Google Plus or maybe you just “Stumbled Upon” this blog… I’m frequently entertained by the traffic drivers to my site, specifically when it comes to search terms.

Here are some of my favorite search terms:

Getting pregnant saved my life

dog dopound (spelling error included)

ugg boots notify me of follow-up

chop my hair

palm residue scan airports?

+mother in law picks out my wedding dress

scholar on the use of smartphones (This one makes me feel accomplished!)

I feel like there’s a potential for a series here… As time goes on, I’m sure that I’ll have some more entertaining search terms.

All fun aside, if you ended up on my blog looking for something specific, I hope that you eventually found that information you seek and were at least a little entertained along the way.

But really, how did you get here?


PS – if you’re the person who came here searching for sugar free candy corn and have finally found it, please share where!

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Analysis of my social media practices

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5 thoughts on “How did you get here?

  1. Hey Rachel! I “stumbled” upon your D-blog here via Allison’s post that we both commented on. I’m like you, and am always intrigued by the search terms that lead people to our blogs. Great to “meet” you in the blogosphere here! Looking forward to adding you to my Google Reader and keeping up on posts down the road!

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