Doomed But Still Thankful

My boss had a cold last week. My husband developed a cold last week.

I was doomed to develop a cold this weekend.I’m currently a sniffly, coughing mess.

Now that you have that mental image… I’m still being thankful. With Thanksgiving being THIS week, I think it’s important to keep acknowledging both the big and small things.

1. My Home. It’s beautiful, safe, warm and ours. We finally received our deed in the mail so it’s “officially official” as Brad would say. Back in April when we first saw it, I thought it was a place I could be happy, but it’s so much more. It really is home and I love it.

2. My Education. It was expensive, it was stressful, it serves me every single day. The classroom learning, the life lessons, the internships, everything that happened in college on campus or off either served to increase my knowledge… or make an excellent story.

3. Parents. I had excellent parents. They weren’t perfect, but no parent is perfect. Now that I’m all grown up, I value my relationship with my mom more than ever. I’m sad that my father’s last conversation with me took place on the phone with both of us in hospital beds, miles apart but I’m thankful that I was able to have him here into adulthood.

4. Good advice. I’ve received some good advice in the past couple of weeks that I’m glad I took to heart.

5. Insulin. I wouldn’t be here without it.

6. My health. Seeing as how I’m currently “real people” sick with the dreaded cold that’s being passed around, it’s more apparent to me how thankful I should be for my health. Yes, I have a cold, it sucks but I can function. Yes, I have diabetes, but really there is nothing stopping me from living a full life.

7. Diabetes. I’m sort of thankful for diabetes… to get more on that you have to run over to OmniPod’s blog, Suite D. I was invited to share something positive that diabetes has brought into my life. If you feel like sharing your own d-related thanks, OmniPod started the hashtag: #thxdiabetes for Twitter (and Instagram).

What are you thankful for this week? Anything really amazing happening for you at Thanksgiving?

2 thoughts on “Doomed But Still Thankful

  1. Pingback: More Thanks « probablyrachel

  2. Pingback: Friendly Reminder « probablyrachel

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